Find the cells with the highest (or lowest) expression of the given parameter within the given phenotype. Report the mean expression of the high-expressing cells.

compute_mean_expression(csd, phenotype, param, percentile = NULL, count = NULL)



Cell seg data to use. This should already have been filtered for the slides or fields of interest.


A phenotype selector. This will be passed to phenoptr::select_rows.


The parameter (column) to report, as a string.


The percentile cutoff for top-expressing cells. For example, to measure the top quartile, the percentile is 0.75. Negative numbers will use low-expressing cells; to measure the bottom decile, use a percentile of -0.1.


The number of top expressing cells to use. Only one of percentile and count can be provided. If both are omitted, the mean expression of all cells is returned.


A data frame with columns for count and mean.